2010年10月4日 星期一

Microsoft LightSpace brings Surface (plus shadows) to any table (video)


看到這文章太興奮了,這在科幻電影中才會出現的技術現實生活裡已經可以做到了,厲害的是,人的身上並不需要裝了一堆 sensor,多麼簡單啊~少了一堆「線」的擾亂,讓這項技術更有看頭和實用性。

多點觸控一定要有螢幕嗎?不用!微軟研究室(Microsoft Research,簡稱 MSR)就使用了 3D Camera+投影機搞定了這件事。
感覺就像 GPS 衛星定位的鎖定技術,這台 3D Camera 可以很正確的將圖形投影到任何物體的平面上,使用者還可以透過多點觸控(multi-touch)和表面運算(Surface-Computing)技術,用手將資料數據傳到任意的顯示對象和目標(如傳到人身上顯示或者丟到牆壁和桌子上),只有光和影的運用,是不是很鮮很夢幻呢!

因為 LightSpace Surface Computing 還在實驗階段,未來的使用方向還要留待探討。(標題不知道該如何翻譯,所以直接保留了...)


原文:It's hard not to love the crazy stuff happening at Microsoft Research, but it's also hard to imagine when any of it is going to actually start changing the way we interact with our PCs. Surface was bested bySecondLight as the coolest tech we can't buy, and now here comes another successor: LightSpace. This gets rid of the expensive table in favor of a (surely not cheap) series of projectors hanging from the ceiling paired to a 3D camera. The camera detects the relative position of things and instructs a projector to apply a Surface-like interface onto any flat surface. From there a user can literally grab any file they like and carry it over to another surface, where it will be displayed. It's all demonstrated quite handily in the video below, and while the system does look a wee bit rough at the moment, the potential is surely there. Just like it was with SecondLight, and Surface, and Courier...



Microsoft LightSpace brings Surface (plus shadows) to any table (video)

Microsoft Research

